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Latest information on Covid 19 in school

Good Afternoon 


As you maybe aware we currently have some Covid-19 Positive cases in Year 3/4. We have asked those children in the affected classes/groups to have PCR tests and if they are negative to lateral test each day if possible as some of the children who have tested positive had NO symptoms.  We are trying to stop the spread of the virus by encouraging parents when they PCR their child to keep them off school till they have the results. We have had two cases where the children have been sent into school as they had no symptoms and then their PCR tests have come back as positive and they have been in school with their class mates. 


Please be vigilant whatever year group your child is in and if your child is showing any of the classic symptoms, new continuous cough, loss of taste/smell or high temperature to the touch, then book a PCR test asap. Please also be aware that children are also showing symptoms such as vomiting, upset stomach, sore throat, headaches, tiredness and aches more than the classic symptoms, so if your child is showing these symptoms PCR or at least lateral test them please.


Please also note: 

The 90-day window after a positive test

If someone has tested positive with a PCR test, they should not be tested using either PCR or rapid lateral flow tests for 90 days, unless they develop new symptoms during this time – in which case they should be retested immediately using PCR.

This 90-day period is from the initial onset of symptoms or, if asymptomatic when tested, their positive test result.

So if your child has had Covid and is showing no symptoms then you should not get them tested as they could still have antibodies in their symptoms which could test positive. 


We will update the letter advising you of a positive case in your child's case to include this statement. 


Thank you for your continued support. 


Holly Grove 
