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Enrichment at Holly Grove



Enrichment..... over 300 pupils, 13 groups, 13 brilliant staff and an amazing variety of activities!

On a Thursday afternoon, pupils from Reception right up to Year 6 are organised into 13 mixed age groups. Each group has the opportunity to try a range of different activities, lessons and new skills, from outdoor sports to drama, mythical creatures to cookery, fine art to Forest Schools and more. The children have a six week block on one activity before starting to learn a new skill. The mixed age groups encourage school wide friendships and help develop confidence in all the children, whether they are a younger member of Holly Grove getting to meet new staff and go to new areas of the building, to the oldest pupils who shine in their roles as captains or excel at nurturing and supporting the younger children within their group.

Please follow us on here or twitter to see some of the things we get up to in each group!

