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Email to all Parents

Dear Parents


As you know we are trying hard to keep everyone safe during this difficult time. We do need your help by continuing to support the procedures the school have put into place. 


The school gates - we are trying to keep the children in bubbles so they need to enter through their year group gate please. 


At the end of the school day please socially distance on the playgrounds, wear masks if you can (we are not enforcing this but please be aware of those who are). If you are coming on to the KS2 playground from the KS1 playground then please exit via Ironstone Road Gate and not through Windsor Close. This will prevent cross over of children and the exit on Windsor close is tight so with people entering and leaving it can make contact likely. 


Please be on time and leave the school premises as soon as you have collected your child. We want to secure the school site as quickly as possible. 


If you need to speak to a member of staff please do so via Class Dojo or ring the school office to arrange a telephone call. We are not meeting face to face. Please do not put staff in a difficult position on the gates or on the playground after school. We are trying to keep everyone safe and if staff go off with the virus then we have problems with making sure we are safe to open. 


Thank you for your continued support and good wishes. We know its a difficult time and being asked to PCR your child is a pain, but without testing we aren't catching those children who are positive and showing no signs. 



Thank you 

Mrs O'Hare 
