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British Science Week

British Science Week

Last half term we have celebrated British Science week and the theme for this year was 'Connections'.

We advertised a poster competition from the British Science Association where children could be creative as they wanted to convey the theme ‘connections’.

Corey in Year 5 and 6 has created a detailed and thoughtful poster about the life cycle of a butterfly!

Molly in Year 1/2 has created a beautiful poster about an Ocean food chain which fits perfectly with our Ocean topic in Year 1 and 2. She has used lots of different types of resources to create a bright, bold and colourful poster.

To kickstart the week, we sent a Science challenge for everyone to try at home!

The activity is called ‘ Racing Rockets’ and you will need to design a rocket that will travel the furthest by investigating different rocket shapes!

Thank you to Shenae Knox, Joseph Hibberd and Evie Marson for taking part in this Science challenge!



Nursery and Reception

As part of Science week Nursery and Reception went bug hunting as well as making porridge last week as part of our Three Bears Topic.

Year 1/2

Why do some materials float and others sink? We made a  bottle with a straw driver using a straw and paper clip.

We squeezed the bottle to observe what happened to our diver. The diver sank when the bottle was squeezed as there was more pressure in the bottle.


Year 3 and 4

Year 3 and 4 have been looking at the patterns in fingerprints and also, they made and tested parachutes to see which materials was the best.


Year 5 and 6

Year 5 have been investigating forces as part of their Science week. They have been dropping different weights of balls into the sand to observe the force that they create. Also, they made and tested parachutes to see which materials was the best.
