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Holly Grove Primary Academy

Religious Education

What is RE?

At Holly Grove Primary School we aim to deliver a broad programme of learning which allows children to develop and extend their knowledge and understanding of not only Christianity, but religious traditions, beliefs and practices from all major world faiths. Children are encouraged to use this understanding to help inform their responses to fundamental questions. Children are encouraged to reflect upon what it means to have a faith and consider their own beliefs.

By EXPLORING, ENGAGING and REFLECTING pupils will develop the knowledge, insights and skills necessary for them to be able to live authentically and responsibly as adults in today’s world, acknowledging how religious and secular communities seek to uphold and develop the well-being of the human family.



How RE links with our Torch Values 

What our children say about RE?




Subject Intent.pdf



RE Unit Pathway.pdf


Whole School Two Year Cycle 2024.docx

 SACRE Staffordshire agreed syllabus

RE at Holly Grove

Take a look at all the fantastic learning that has been taking place in RE across the school.